Dietist i grafik mot en tvåfärgad bakgrund

Chat with dietitian's

Do you have questions or concerns about IBS and FODMAP?

In the live chat on Instagram, you can ask questions directly to Belly Balance dietitians. For those who do not have Instagram, the chats are available below.



Live session 6 September 2024 Different types of IBS

Live session 23 August 2024 FODMAP Food Updates

Live session 8 August 2024 FODMAPS - Back to Basics

Live session 17 May 2024 Stress & IBS

Live session 10 May 2024 Probiotics

Live session 3 May 2024 Cooking with confidence

Live session 25 april 2024 Low FODMAP diet

Live session 19 April 2024 What is IBS?

Live session 15 april 2024 IBS Awareness Month