FODMAP-friendly protein powders
April 15, 2024
If you engage in heavy strength training several times a week or are trying to gain weight, protein powder can be a suitable supplement. For those who need protein powder and are following the FODMAP diet, here is a list of FODMAP-friendly options. Remember to carefully read the ingredient list, as manufacturers can change ingredients at any time.
Whey protein (depends on the amount of lactose)
Whey protein is derived from milk proteins left over during cheese production. The protein casein and most of the fat remain in the cheese, while the whey proteins stay in the whey, which also contains water, lactose (milk sugar), and some minerals.
To make whey protein, the remaining fat is removed from the whey, which is then filtered and dried into a powder. Depending on how the production is carried out, the powder will have varying amounts of protein and lactose.
- Concentrate – Contains whey protein along with some fat and usually around 4-8% lactose.
- Isolate – Processed to remove almost all fat and lactose, resulting in a higher protein content. Usually low in lactose.
- Hydrolysate – The whey protein is partially hydrolyzed, meaning it is broken down into amino acids and smaller peptides for better absorption. Contains 0.1-10% lactose.
Rice protein
Rice protein made from white and brown rice is a low-FODMAP option.
Pea protein
Recent analyses show that pea protein in amounts of 20g or 3 tablespoons is low-FODMAP. The amount depends on how much carbohydrate (fiber) is left in the product. If the carbohydrates come from peas, they are FODMAPs and unsuitable. If no carbohydrates are left, it is low-FODMAP.
Soy protein
Made from soybeans, similar rules apply as for pea protein. Depending on the carbohydrate (fiber) content, these could come from soybeans. Check the label for the carbohydrate percentage—it should be as low as possible.
Egg protein
Eggs contain no carbohydrates, and therefore no FODMAPs. Egg protein is usually made entirely from egg whites and yolks, making it a great choice for those following the FODMAP diet.
Hemp protein
Hemp is a newer protein option, so there are limited analyses available. Current studies show that hemp is suitable in amounts up to 10g or 1 tablespoon. For those interested in trying hemp, start with smaller quantities.
Ingredients to watch out for
here are additional ingredients that can make protein powder unsuitable for FODMAP. If the powder is flavored, fiber-enriched, or sugar-free, look out for these high-FODMAP ingredients:
- Fructose – fruit sugar
- Inulin – fiber supplement
- FOS – fructooligosaccharides, fiber supplement
- Sorbitol, Mannitol, Maltitol – sugar alcohols used as sweeteners
- Isomalt – sweetener
- Polydextrose – sweetener
- Dried fruit
You can find FODMAP-friendly bars, perfect for before and after your workout, in our webshop. For more tips, recipes, and tools for sensitive stomachs, check out the Belly Balance app.
Sofia Antonsson
Reg. Dietitian, Belly Balance
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By learning which foods upset your stomach, you can make conscious choices and get quick symptom relief. With the low FODMAP diet, you receive structured assistance in understanding which foods your body tolerates better than others. No more guessing and pondering – you get the answer straight away!